Dawn Colsey

Dawn ColseyJacques Arnould was born in 1961. An agricultural engineer and doctor in the history of science and theology, he is interested in the relationship between science, culture and religion, with a particular interest in two themes: that of the living beig and its evolution, and that of space and its conquest. To the first he has devoted several works and articles of history or theology. On the second he is working as project leader at the National Centre for Space Studies (CNES) on the social and cultural dimension of space activities. In the Editions du Cerf he has published: La Theologie apres Darwin (Theology after Darwin ) (1998); Dieu, le Singe et le Big Bang (God, the Monkey and the Big Bang ) (2000); La Seconde Chance d'Icare (Icarus's Second Chance) (2001) and Les Moustaches du diable (The Devil's Whiskers) 2003). Read More Read Less

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God Vs Darwin28 % NR
Publisher: ATF Press
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20 Sep 2012
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