David Vidales

David VidalesDavid Vidales born in 1978 grew up in a Miami Arizona a small mining town outside of Phoenix. Having battled and finally overcoming addiction, he now wants to help others who struggle with addiction or mental health issues. In David's debut My Dark Wnderland finally finding a way to express his years of depression and battle with addiction he uses those dark years to his advantage. From an early age he knew he wanted to be a writer, but life does not always work like that and things happen. After a serious car accident and multiple surgeries, he unfortunately became dependent on his pain pills. Nearly 15 years later enough was enough, April 1, 2016 David hit his rock bottom and got help. Today and almost 6 amazing years clean and sober, he picks up a pen for the first time since his childhood and begins his journey. Back on track David still struggles with bipolar and suffers from manic depression, which sadly leads to a suicide attempt. He has learned to embrace his past using those experiences in his work. Readers will have a firsthand look into what some would have called a terrible life, some even told him it would be impossible for him to amount to anything. He is currently a student at M.C.C working towards his bachelor's degree in Substance Abuse Counseling. For more information visit www.darkwonderlandpublishing.comWelcome to His Impossible. Read More Read Less

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Manual. Atencion y gestion de llamadas entrantes en un servicio de teleasistencia (MF1423_2). Certificados de profesionalidad. Gestion de llamadas de teleasistencia (SSCG0111)
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Manual. Emision y gestion de llamadas salientes en un servicio de teleasistencia (MF1424_2). Certificados de profesionalidad. Gestion de llamadas de teleasistencia (SSCG0111)
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Cuaderno del alumno. Emision y gestion de llamadas salientes en un servicio de teleasistencia (MF1424_2). Certificados de profesionalidad. Gestion de llamadas de teleasistencia (SSCG0111)
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Cuaderno del alumno. Atencion y gestion de llamadas entrantes en un servicio de teleasistencia (MF1423_2). Certificados de profesionalidad. Gestion de llamadas de teleasistencia (SSCG0111)
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Cuaderno del alumno. Apoyo a las gestiones cotidianas de las personas dependientes (UF0123). Certificados de profesionalidad. Atencion sociosanitaria a personas en el domicilio (SSCS0108)
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Manual. Interrelacion, comunicacion y observacion con la persona dependiente y su entorno (UF0124). Certificados de profesionalidad. Atencion sociosanitaria a personas en el domicilio (SSCS0108)
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Manual. Animacion Social de personas dependientes en instituciones (UF0129). Certificados de profesionalidad. Atencion sociosanitaria a personas dependientes en instituciones sociales (SSCS0208)
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Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio. Tecnico en atencion a personas en situacion de dependencia. Organizacion de la atencion a las personas en situacion de dependencia. Codigo: 0210
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Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio. Tecnico en atencion a personas en situacion de dependencia. Organizacion de la atencion a las personas en situacion de dependencia (Codigo: 0210)
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Cuaderno del Alumno Apoyo en la organizacion de intervenciones en el ambito institucional (MF1016_2). Certificados de Profesionalidad. Atencion ... en Instituciones Sociales (SSCS0208)
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Cuaderno del Alumno Apoyo en la organizacion de intervenciones en el ambito institucional (MF1016_2). Certificados de Profesionalidad. Atencion ... en Instituciones Sociales (SSCS0208)
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My Dark WonderlandNR
Publisher: Lulu Press
No Review Yet
28 Feb 2020
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