David R Goudie

David R Goudie

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Goudie's Perpetual Sleigh Road Supersedes the Railway, and is Capable of Carrying Passengers at a Rate of Eighty to One Hundred Miles an Hour [microform]18 % NR
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Goudie's Perpetual Sleigh Road Supersedes the Railway: And Is Capable of Carrying Passengers at a Rate of Eighty to One Hundred Miles an Hour, from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean in 40 to 45 Hours from Montreal to Fort Garry in 15 to 16 Hours; FNR
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Goudie's Perpetual Sleigh Road Supersedes the Railway: And Is Capable of Carrying Passengers at a Rate of Eighty to One Hundred Miles an Hour, from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean in 40 to 45 Hours from Montreal to Fort Garry in 15 to 16 Hours; FNR
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