David Mecerreyes

David MecerreyesDavid Mecerreyes carried out his PhD in polymer chemistry by the University of Liege (Belgium) in 1998, followed by a post-doctoral stay at IBM Almaden Research Center and Stanford University in California. In Spain he worked for 10 years in CIDETEC.In 2011 he became Ikerbasque Research Pofessor at POLYMAT (www.polymat.eu), University of the Basque Country. Since then he has been the leader of the Innovative polymer group and scientific vicedirector from 2017. In 2011 he was awarded with a ERC consolidator grant named iPES "Innovative Polymers for Electrochemical Energy Storage". His research interest include the synthesis of innovative polymers for energy and bioelectronics. In particular his team is developing new redox polymers, poly(ionic liquid)s, iongels and ion conducting polymer electrolytes. He is co-author of more than 275 scientific articles, h-index of 63 and his work has received more than 14000 citations. He has written more than 5 book chapters and Edited one Book in 2015: "Applications of Ionic liquids in Polymer Science and Technology" ISBN 978-3-662-44902-8. Read More Read Less

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Applications of Ionic Liquids in Polymer Science and Technology43 %
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Applications of Ionic Liquids in Polymer Science and Technology37 %
Publisher: Springer
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12 Oct 2016
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