David M Witt

David M WittPastor David Witt was a Mission Representative speaking on behalf of the persecuted church for The Voice of the Martyrs from 1998 to 2008. David visited persecuted Christians in restricted nations and witnessed a genuine love and spirit of martyrdom faithful or credible witness as defined from the biblical Greek language). A believer in Indonesia illustrated this fruit of love powerfully. While the gun was pointed at the head of the believer, he cried out, "Father, please forgive him for he knows not what he is doing." The shot rang out and the believer went to be with our Lord. David was honored to meet with this beloved widow who shared, "If my husband could forgive the gunman, so could I."God strengthened David's understanding of faith through the lives of our persecuted brothers and sisters. One Iraqi pastor was arrested by Saddam Hussein's secret police for his Christian witness. He was beaten, tortured and interrogated while continuing to share Christ's love to the Muslim inmates. He said, "God spoke to me and told me that if I would be faithful to speak His name inside of prison, then I would be faithful to speak His name outside of prison."David met believers who held on with hope and vision for the Kingdom of God when few others had none. In Egypt, the Muslim background believers have found hope in the prophecy of Isaiah 19:23-25. This prophecy speaks of the day when a highway of worship and peace will come to this area of the Middle East. God will pour out His blessing upon Egypt, Israel, and Iraq. The followers of Christ believe they are preparing for this day. They told David that the blood of the martyrs would be the pavement of the highway. Their hope is contagious and inspires great courage. (All the above stories are told in greater detail in David's book, Fearless Love - In the Midst of Terror.) Read More Read Less

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