David Leininger

David LeiningerTHE REV. DR. DAVID E. LEININGER was planning to be a pastor out to pasture by now having planned retirement from active ministry at the end of 2008, but God had other plans. He and his wife Christie live on Hilton Head Island, SC, a lovely resort desination that is particularly attractive to couples planning destination weddings which has allowed an extension of ministry in officiating these unions. In addition to marrying hundreds of couples, he has served as occasional preacher for nearby congregations. He has previously served parishes in Pennsylvania, Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas. His degrees include the Master of Divinity from Lutheran Theological Seminary in Columbia, South Carolina and the Doctor of Ministry from Erskine Theological Seminary in Due West, South Carolina. Dr. Leininger is the author of six previous books: A Colorblind Church, God of Justice: A Look at the Ten Commandments in the 21st Century, As We Believe, So We Behave: Living the Apostles' Creed, and three volumes of Lectionary Tales for the Pulpit. He and his wife, Christie are the parents of two grown children and proud grandparents of an ever-growing brood. Read More Read Less

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