David E McadamsAfter 30 years of software development, David McAdams was looking for something new to do. He turned his attention to math instruction. Through his coursework at Utah Valley University, he learned how critical vocabulary acquisition is to all learnin, and especially to math. Math has long been regarded as its having its own language, with its own syntax and symbols. The acquisition of this language has been found to be a barrier to many students.After the completion of his internship, Mr. McAdams finished compiling vocabulary words into a comprehensive dictionary, written for middle school and high school students. "All Math Words Dictionary" is the culmination of eight years work collecting, classifying and describing all of the words a student might encounter in their studies of algebra, geometry, and calculus. This book has over 3000 entries; more than 140 notations defined; in excess of 790 illustrations; an IPA pronunciation guide; and greater than 1400 formulas and equations.While working on the dictionary, between playing with his grandchildren, Mr. McAdams started developing other ideas for math literacy. The results are "Numbers", "What is Bigger than Anything (Infinity)", "Swing Sets (Set Theory)", and "Learning with Play Money".Branching out, Mr. McAdams took a departure from teaching tools into the arena of pure mathematical delight. This results in two volumes of "My Favorite Fractals".While reading a book on colors to his grandson Sawyer, got to thinking how boring books are colors are for adults. "What in the natural world," he mused, "has enough of the primary and secondary colors to teach colors to children?" His answer was either frogs or parrots. He created "Parrot Colors", "Flower Colors", and "Space Colors".Returning to math, Mr. McAdams remembered how, in his youth, he found a few printouts of geometric nets and was fascinated how they folded together into complex, 3-dimensional objects. He prepared "Geometric Nets Project Book, then "Geometric Nets Mega Project Book. Read More Read Less