David E Bjork

David E BjorkDAVID E. BJORK (MA, DEA, MDiv, PhD) works for World Partners in collaboration with Cooperative Studies (CS), a North American NGO that promotes collaboration between members of the international higher education community. He is a lecturer in Religios Sciences at l'Université de Yaoundé I, Cameroon. He is also the director of the doctoral program of Intercultural Studies at the Cameroon Faculty of Evangelical Theology (FACTEC) and professor of Missiology at the Bangui Evangelical School of Theology (BEST). Dr Bjork has published many articles and is the author of Unfamiliar Paths (William Carey Library, 1997) and co-author with Stephen March of As Pilgrims Progress (Aventine Press, 2006). David and his wife, Diane now live in Cameroon and continue to accompany others in discipleship, as they have done for the last forty years. Read More Read Less

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