David Brancaleone

David BrancaleoneDavid Brancaleone is Lecturer in Critical and Contextual Studies, Limerick Institute of Technology, Ireland, where he teaches history
and theory of art, film, photography and visual culture. An art history graduate from La Sapienza, Rome, he gaind an MA in Italian Studies at
University College London, UK and, in 2002, his doctorate at the Warburg Institute, University of London, UK. In 2019, he published the two-volume
Zavattini, il Neo-realismo e il Nuovo Cinema latino-americano which reconstructs and documents Zavattini's cultural interventions in Latin America and his specific contribution to the global dimension of Neo-realism in the latter half of the twentieth century. This publication provided the critical and contextual basis for the curation of a major retrospective exhibition, 'Zavattini oltre i confini', Reggio Emilia, Italy, 2019.
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Cesare Zavattini's Neo-Realism and the Afterlife of an Idea6 % NR
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Cesare Zavattini: Selected WritingsNR
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Cesare Zavattini’s Neo-realism and the Afterlife of an IdeaNR
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