David B Pettett

David B PettettDavid Pettett has been 'Pastoral and Church Focused Ministries' Moderator at the Australian College of Theology (ACT) since 2016. From his own experience of many years in pastoral ministry, from his development of courses in pastoral care and from hi teaching of pastoral care, David is well qualified in this important field of Christian studies. David's work as Moderator provides him the opportunity to have some input into the development of units in pastoral care in the 16 theological colleges around Australia which make up the consortium of the ACT. This role has given David valuable insights into the strengths and areas needing development in students' academic and practical work in pastoral care.The book on pastoral care he has written directly targets some of the areas needing development in students' academic and practical work in pastoral care. His focus on a thorough exegesis of Ephesians 4:11 has developed a detailed understanding of the gift of Christ to His church, which forces attention onto the integral role of pastoral care in every aspect of pastoral ministry. David has spent most of his ministry in the Anglican Church in Sydney as a pastor and as a chaplain in the Royal Australian Navy, as well as in hospitals and prisons. He has been a missionary in Japan, church planting, and is now Head of Biblical Studies at Bishop Patteson Theological College in Solomon Islands. Read More Read Less

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