Dave WheitnerDave Wheitner has long been intrigued by sexuality and human behavior. As a teenager, he enjoyed browsing sexuality research books at the public library-and not just for the pictures.Raised in a blue-collar Ohio neighborhood, Dave earned a B.A. in Pschology from Yale (Psi Chi Psychology Honor Society), an M.A. in Community Counseling from Indiana University of Pennsylvania (Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society), an M.S. in Public Policy and Management from Carnegie Mellon (Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society), and life coaching certification. He has participated in various workshops and trainings on awareness, authenticity, sensuality, sexuality, personal growth, and leadership. He has created and facilitated touch-positive events, and is an award-winning author of several books.Dave authored most of the book. One of his partners also realized she was asexual, and his story has many overlaps with Evan's. Dave blended details of their stories into a single narrative, changed certain elements to honor others' privacy wishes, and added the various levels of interpretation and self-help information. Read More Read Less
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