Dave R ChapmanDave Chapman was born in Cleveland, Ohio, and has been married to his beautiful wife, Bonnie, for more than 50 years. They have four children and eight grandchildren, and have lived in the Pacific Northwest for over 40 years. Dave developed a passionfor evangelism while he and his wife were on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ (now Cru) in the 1970s. He received his Master of Divinity degree from Talbot Theological Seminary. While attending Grace Community Church under Pastor John MacArthur, Dave helped with the Discipleship Evangelism Ministry. In 1980, Dave and his family moved to the Pacific Northwest where he became Pastor of Evangelism at Crossroads Bible Church in Bellevue, Washington. His primary task was to teach others how to share their faith. Dave then launched a new church in Woodinville, Washington called Bear Creek Community Church as its founding Pastor which is still thriving today. Since then, Dave has been actively involved in evangelism and discipleship at Crossroads Bible Church in a lay capacity where many of his tracts have been used extensively for outreach in the community. In 2003, Dave helped his brother Larry develop what is now JesusOnline Ministries. Since 2006, that ministry has shared the truth and grace of Jesus Christ to over 200 million people worldwide with a goal to reach 1 billion people by 2030. Dave is retired which allows him to focus more on his ministry passion which is equipping people in Evangelism. One of his greatest joys is sharing his faith at every opportunity and leading others to Christ. You can contact Dave at Extraordinaryevangelism@gmail.com Read More Read Less
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