Dave Leong

Dave LeongDave Leong tells stories through live experiences, food, fitness, business transformation and now, books! Born in Sydney, Australia, he constantly pushed the limits by riding mattresses down stairs, breaking guitar strings and accidentally starting ol fires in the kitchen. After graduating from the University of Technology, Sydney, he continued to push limits around the world by leading the creative, strategy and production divisions of global agencies and live event production companies in Sydney, New York, Toronto and Austin. During that time, he built adventurous worlds and explosive stories for his clients to tell through their experiences. It only made sense to start putting those worlds on paper! Driven by a phenomenon he noticed in film and TV that he coined "casual representation", Dave aims to include characters in his worlds whose diversity is introduced to the audience nonchalantly: their race, sexuality, gender or ability aren't the most interesting things about them, they just are. He wants to inspire other storytellers in all modalities to consider their own worlds full of diversity, if only because the real world is too. Dave's worlds are rich, layered and connected and his characters are vivid and complex. He is praised for his straightforward and accessible writing style which he uses to drive his unique and compelling reading experiences at a pace. Dave resides in Orange County, CA with his family and is currently working on his next children's book and young adult series. Read More Read Less

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Making Of1 % NR
Publisher: Super Creative
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03 Apr 2023
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Itc International Handbook of Testing and Assessment25 % NR
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Have you ever Met a Morphosis?NR
Publisher: Steven King
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06 May 2019
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