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Dave Bongianino

Dave BongianinoI am not good at talking about myself, I had hoped to remain anonymous throughout this process but I must open up a little. I am the product of a hard working Italian family from a small town in Pennsylvania. My father ran a bakery and my mother was housewife, both things are obsolete today. I was not exceptional at anything as a youngster except getting into trouble. I continued that trend as an adult with two failed marriages and countless meaningless jobs. I wrote my first short story when I was 16, entitled The Gunner. It was about five pages long and very poorly written. Handwritten on paper no less. I never showed it to anyone. It's not that I was ashamed of writing, it was that I knew no one would be interested. After my second failed marriage I began writing again and this time I took it more seriously. A lifetime of mistakes and heartache gave me all the inspiration I needed. My first book, Tales From Behind Your Wall Of Dreams came at a time when I was at my lowest, the death of my son Dante. I submitted the short stories I wrote many years ago, when he was an infant. I stopped caring about everything but writing. I am retired now and still trying to figure things out, hopefully writing will continue to bring me some form of peace. I hope you enjoy Vengeance Is Mine. I have several new projects in the works including a modern version of my first short story, The Gunner, about a third generation psychopath that terrorizes his neighborhood until a young man, new to the area, is forced to stand up to him. I also have a story entitled, Damien, in the works. It is the story of a military trained assassin that works for the government. He is contracted to eliminate high profile criminals such as drug lords, human traffickers, leaders of third world countries and even serial killers that have evaded the law long enough. Thank you for reading Vengeance Is Mine.

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Vengeance Is Mine24 % NR
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Tales from Behind Your Wall of Dreams24 % NR
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