Darren Dempsey

Darren DempseyDarren Dempsey is a 20+ year veteran of the software industry, with a career that has seen him architect and develop mission critical systems for clients in financial services, retail, telecoms, and travel. A self-professed "nerd", Darren's passion les in solving complex technical challenges, which he has been doing since he was first introduced to computers as a youngster. A keen focus on user experience, system reliability, performance engineering and keeping things simple drives Darren to continuously innovate and push boundaries. When he's not working on his latest project, you'll find Darren spending time with his wife and three children - or probably out hiking one of the many trails near his home in Dublin, Ireland. Read More Read Less

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Azure Cloud Adoption Framework Handbook5 % NR
Publisher: Packt Publishing
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31 Jul 2023
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