Darko Kapor

Darko KaporDarko Kapor is the retired Professor of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics. He received a B.Sc. in Physics at the University of Novi Sad, his M.Sc. in Theoretical Physics at the University of Belgrade, Serbia and defended his Ph.D.Thesis in Theoretcal Physics at the University of Novi Sad. Along with his teaching activities in Physics, he also taught at the multidisciplinary studies of the Center for Meteorology and Environmental Modelling (CMEM ACIMSI) of the University of Novi Sad. His main research interest is the Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, where he was the head of the projects financed by the Ministry for Science of the Republic of Serbia. During the last 20 years, he has developed an interest in the problems of theoretical meteorology and worked with the Meteorology group at the Faculty of Agriculture and Faculty of Sciences. He has more than 120 peer-reviewed scientific papers in the international journals and chapters in research monographs. While preparing his Ph.D.Thesis, he spent several months in French laboratories (Saclay, Orsay, Grenoble) and in 1990/91 he was the Fullbright grantee at the University of California at San Diego. For a long period he cooperated with the members of Theoretical Condensed Matter Group at KFKI MTA, Budapest, Hungary. Prof. Kapor invested a lot of effort in Physics popularization by working with talented pupils and teachers. He was the organizer of Physics problems solving contests for the elementary schools. His experience from this work was important while he coauthored textbooks in Physics for elementary and secondary schools. Read More Read Less

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