Darci Davidson

Darci DavidsonDarci met her husband Dwayne 3 days before graduating from her country town school in Ohio. They began their life together as he built his remodeling company and she put herself through cosmetology school. She loves to make people happy and found an venue for that through making them feel confident and beautiful. She is now a homeschooling mother of 6. Her and her family have a backyard homestead where they have taught themselves how to grow, raise and preserve a lot of their own food. They welcome many guest to their home, where there is always a lot of action and organic food to go around. If Darci has any down time you will find her curled up with a book or a journal and pen....and a big cup of hot tea. One of her passions is encouraging mothers who are alongside this journey of loving little ones with her. Read More Read Less

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Don't Give Up with Lee the Fox9 % NR
Publisher: Colleen Davidson
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09 Nov 2023
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