Dannelle Shugart

Dannelle ShugartThe Future of the Impossible, the Physics and Ethicsof Time Travel is based on Dannelle Shugart's thesisfor the Georgetown University's Master of Arts inLiberal Studies program. She wrote it in part to givepeople who are interested in physics and tim travel, but who are not scientists, a way to learn about andenjoy the topic.Ms. Shugart is not a trained scientist but believesthat much of the world is interconnected and thatto learn about science is to understand art better.Just as learning about mathematics allows a deeperconnection to music and so on. The more diverslyyou learn, the more fascinating and evident disparateconnections become.In addition to her interest in time travel, theauthor enjoys travel, cozy mysteries, parenting, entrepreneurship, photography, and lifelong learning.She also believes in the value of being "weird".She really hopes you enjoy this book. Read More Read Less

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