Daniele ZaccariaDr. Daniele Zaccaria worked for the International Center for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM) actively involved in research, extension education, capacity building and technical development projects in several Mediterranean, Middle-Estern, North-African and central Asian countries, with focus on design and performance assessment of irrigation delivery networks and on-farm irrigation systems, modernization of irrigation infrastructures, water resources planning, and training for capacity building in the agricultural water management sector. He also worked as a professional designer of micro-irrigation systems for horticultural crops and has reviewed a large number of irrigation projects in southern Mediterranean countries. His expertise and current work at UC Davis focus on research, technical development, and extension education on agricultural water management and irrigation under limited water supplies, design, performance analysis, and modernization of irrigation systems, across on-farm, district and scheme scales, and on developing viable agricultural water management solutions to improve resource-efficiency in irrigated agriculture in arid and semi-arid areas. Read More Read Less
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