Daniel Yaryan

Daniel YaryanMystic Boxing Commissioner Daniel Yaryan grew up in a movie theatre. Cinematic images, sci-fi books and comics have all influenced his poetry from an early age. Some of his heroes include poet William Everson, Beat novelist Jerry Kamstra and his granfather Big Ray Yaryan who started the Ghost Riders Motorcycle Club of San Fernando in 1938. Yaryan is a former print journalist, editor and advertising executive. Yaryan has organized artistic projects such as the Santa Cruz independent newspaper The Real World Press, Los Angeles poetic cabaret Bionic Beats with Gary Justice, multimedia poetry super-show Sparring with Beatnik Ghosts and Poetry Festival Santa Cruz. The late Los Angeles poet Wanda Coleman referred to Yaryan as "one of a new generation of poetry mavens." Recently, Yaryan created the Kamstra Sparring Archive (AKA "Sparchive") part interactive museum, part art gallery and entirely a sanctuary for poetry, performance and visual art. The archive honors Kamstra, author of The Frisco Kid and Weed: Adventures of a Dope Smuggler - books released in special editions by Yaryan's publishing imprint. His Mystic Boxing Commission's publishing roster also includes Michael C Ford's Don't Just Do Something, Stand There, and the Sparring Omnibus anthology. Visit the Mystic Boxing Commission website: www.sparringartists.com Artist/musician Mat Fitzsimmons is a Libra, likes long walks on short piers (preferably while wearing concrete shoes), and his favorite pastime is driving in bumper-to-bumper traffic and screaming at the top of his lungs while punching his dashboard repeatedly. If you see this man howling at the moon, for God's sake, back up, turn around, and RUN! Turn Offs: Social Media and the saying, "I know, right?". Accomplishments too varied (and dubious) to be mentioned here. Fitz, as he's also known, lives in Santa Cruz, California with his wife Brandi and their kitty cat Chloe. Pretty sweet, huh? Read More Read Less

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Sparring With Beatnik Ghosts OmnibusNR
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