Daniel P Weeks

Daniel P WeeksDaniel Weeks is a native of New Jersey. He earned a B.S. in chemistry at Wesleyan College in West Virginia, and an M.S. and Ph.D. in organic chemistry at the University of Delaware. After a post-doctoral year at Brown University he began to learn hiscraft during a temporary appointment at Haverford College. He taught at Seton Hall University for about 20 years and finished his career with ten delightful years at Northwestern University. While he published research on the mechanisms of hydrolysis of organic compounds in aqueous solutions, mostly in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, his greatest satisfaction came from "seeing the light go on in his students' eyes." He has a reputation as an informative, entertaining and even funny lecturer. He is a self-confessed "ham" who always remembered that although what he taught was old stuff to him it was new to his students. Read More Read Less

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Pushing Electrons52 % NR
Publisher: Cengage Learning
4.6 (7)
01 Jan 2013
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