Daniel P Scharge

Daniel P SchargeDr. Daniel P. Schrage grew up in the Midwest as the son of two teachers and graduated from USMA West Point in 1967. He has advanced degrees in Aerospace Engineering (AE), MS Georgia Tech, 1974; Business Administration, Webster College. 1975; and a DS. Mechanical Engineering (ME), Washington U. (St. Louis) in 1978. Dr. Schrage has had three careers and excelled in each. In his first career, he commanded an Honest John Nuclear Missile Battery during the Cold War in Europe, 1968-69. He was an Army Aviation Air Mission Commander in South Vietnam and commanded lift ship and gunship platoons. He then served as the S-3 13th Combat Aviation Battalion and ran all operations in the Mekong Delta. He orchestrated the transfer of the first Army Aviation Airfield, Soc Trang, to the Vietnamese Air Force (VNAF) under the Helicopter Vietnamization Program, 1970-71. In his second career, he was an Aerospace Engineer, Manager, and Senior Executive for Army Aviation Development, 1974-78. He led the technical development of the next generation of Army Aviation Systems as the youngest Senior Executive Servant (SES) in the Army Material Command (AMC). In his third career, he was a Full Professor and Director of Research for the Army Vertical Lift Research Center of Excellence (VLRCOE) at Georgia Tech. He retired as a Professor Emeritus. His careers followed and documented the changes in U.S. warfare, technology development, and academic transition in a changing world. He is a Technical Fellow of both the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and the Vertical Flight Society. He and his wife reside in Atlanta, GA.You can find more information about the author and his books on his website at DanielSchrage.com. Read More Read Less

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