Daniel Hagan

Daniel HaganDr Daniel Hagan is Associate Dean with speciality in Marketing and Business Administration at the QAHE's Northumbria University London Campus. Before this role, Daniel was Senior Groups Manager and Principal Analyst, Corporate Markets at Lehman Brothrs Holdings London where he managed the EMEA group of specialised professionals consulting and advising on International Marketing strategies, International Business Management Strategies and Market synergy analysis. Daniel's research interests lie in the area of Marketing Management, Consumer behaviour, International Marketing Strategy and Digital Marketing, ranging from theory to design to implementation. He has collaborated actively with researchers in several other disciplines of Marketing and Business Administration, particularly Consumer Behaviour and Digitizing Marketing. He has served on three international academic conferences as session Chair and a reviewer. Daniel is a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM); Member of the Academy of Marketing (AM) and the American Marketing Association (AMA) and Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA); Daniel is a professional drummer and bass guitarist and in his spare time, he enjoys playing gigs, listening to music, fishing and reading. Read More Read Less

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