Dani R Clifton

Dani R CliftonDani grew up in the Pacific Northwest, where wildlife far outnumbered humans. As the much-younger sibling of four, her siblings impressed upon her that she was adopted. Dani was prone to believe them; it would explain so much. As a child growing up i the wilds, Dani was entertained by the constant stream of narrative that flowed through her mind. These constant voice-overs were stories. Sometimes she was simply the observer, a listener enthralled by those tales, as if she'd tuned into an etheric radio program that only she could hear. Other times they played like a film across the screen of her mind's eye. On the rarer occasion, Dani was an active character in the adventures as it superimposed over her real-life moments, like physically occupying two places at once. A psychotherapists wet dream, yeah, she's aware. She grew up, moved away and got married. She and her husband had two children and Dani started thriving alternative healing practice. But the Voice in her head never went away. One morning in early 2000, Dani experienced an unexplained depth of life-threatening depression. The Voice was there, not to distract her with tales, but to throw her a life-line by demanding she put her hands to a keyboard, close her eyes...and breathe.Death by Association was born that night.The Voice later urged her to attend film school, a move she wasn't wholly behind. But, Dani did as instructed and enrolled in Roger Margolis's screenwriting class. In that first half-hour of Roger's opening remarks, he caught her eye and said directly, It's important to remember, most of the top-grossing films ever, began their life as a novel. Then he went on to address the rest of her class. She never enrolled in another film class after that. It had served its purpose. Now she write novels. And she I finally gets it. Dani is a writer. And she does what the Voice in her head tells her to do. Read More Read Less

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Death by Hostility22 % NR
Publisher: Dani Clifton
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28 Mar 2022
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