Danelle LeJeuneDanelle Lejeune was born in the Rocky Mountains to a hippie mother and a skydiving, Cajun father. Her family hopped around the Midwest and finally landed in Iowa (much too cold for her Southern-tinged Cajun blood). After college, she dedicated hersel to motherhood, beekeeping, raising pigs, sheep and cows, and practicing the art of cooking. In 2014, she decided to attend the Ossabaw Island Writers' Retreat to research and write about pigs. Instead, she rediscovered her childhood love of poetry, quit the Iowa farm, bought an 1875 pre-Victorian home in Georgia and took up writing poetry as her life. She believes in God, Pluto's planetary status, and is curious about Earth's second moon. Lejeune's art photography has appeared online at Flyway: Journal of Writing & Environment and in the Portland Review. Her writing has been published in Fifth Wednesday Review, Red Paint Hill, Red River Review, Nottingham Review, Whale Road Review, MothersAlwaysWrite, Glass Poetry Journal, and Rose Red Review. Read More Read Less
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