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Dana Dolinoy

Dana DolinoyDr. Dolinoy is Associate Professor of Environmental Health Sciences at the University of Michigan School of Public Health (UM SPH) and leads the Environmental Epigenetics and Nutrition Laboratory at UM SPH, which investigates how nutritional and envionmental factors interact with epigenetic gene regulation to shape health and disease. Dr. Dolinoy holds a BA in environmental sciences and policy and Spanish from Duke University, an MSc in environmental sciences and engineering from the Harvard School of Public Health, and a PhD in Genetics and Genomics and Integrated Toxicology from Duke University. She serves on the Editorial Board for the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry as well as Epigenetics, Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis, and Toxicological Sciences, and is an active member of the Society of Toxicology (SOT), the Environmental Mutagen and Genomics Society (EMGS), and the American Society for Nutrition (ASN), and will serve as Chair of the 2015 Gordon Research Conference (GRC) in Molecular & Cellular Mechanisms of Toxicity. In 2011, Dr. Dolinoy received the Norman Kretchmer Memorial Award from ASN and the Classic Paper of the Year Award from Environmental Health Perspectives for Dolinoy et al. "Maternal genistein alters coat color and protects Avy mouse offspring from obesity by modifying the fetal epigenome." In 2012, she was the recipient of the Association of Schools of Public Health (ASPH)/Pfizer Research Award for the article, "An Expression Microarray Approach for the Identification of Metastable Epialleles in the Mouse Genome." This work was cited as a model approach that may allow for directly assessing the role of early nutritional and environmental exposures in human adult disease. Dr. Dolinoy is an Associate Editor on the upcoming second edition of Elsevier's MRW Comprehensive Toxicology. Read More Read Less

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