Dan Tsang

Dan TsangProf Dan Tsang is a Professor at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Pao Yue-Kong Chair Professor at Zhejiang University. He was Honorary Professor at the University of Queensland in Australia and Visiting Scholar at Stanford University in the U. Dan's research strives to develop low-impact solutions to promote the circular economy, waste disposal, sustainable energy, and decarbonization strategies. He has published more than 500 articles in top 10% journals and received more than 30,000 citations. Dan has served as Associate Editors for several prestigious journals, such as Science of the Total Environment, Journal of Environmental Management, Critical Reviews in Environmental Science & Technology, Journal of Hazardous Materials; and served as Editorial Boards for Bioresource Technology, Environmental Pollution, etc. Dan was awarded as Highly Cited Researchers (Clarivate Analytics) in two academic fields of Engineering as well as Environment and Ecology. Read More Read Less

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