D Gabrielle Jensen

D Gabrielle JensenWhat began with a princess captured by a pirate and rescued by a dragon has developed into D. Gabrielle Jensen's lifelong fascination with stories of the unexpected and unexplored. She has dabbled across many styles and genres, but whether through strtling, staccato works of pulp horror or the dirt and grime of urban fantasy, she always finds her way back to speculative fiction. An award-winning bestseller, D. is built from drum-beats and hot asphalt. Even as an imaginative child in the rural mountains of Colorado, she felt pulled to the chaos and clamor of The City-any city, every city. With this in mind, she aims to infuse her work with mortar and music. Her favorite views of any city are from the rooftops and the side streets. She strives to show the beauty of both in her stories, urging you to walk the streets with her as she introduces you not only to powerful heroines and antiheroines but to the buskers, bartenders, and baristas who make up the fabric of every city. If writing be her first love, music is the trusted friend D. turns to when that love forgets her birthday. She can sing along with new songs before they've finished playing and set up a drum kit blindfolded. She can't remember a time when she didn't know how to play her parents' vinyl records. She has one Spotify playlist (out of many) that can run for two full days without repeat and an active hatred for paperless concert tickets. She works that love of music into her writing through allusions to lyrics in imagery, characters named after songs and musicians, and behind-the-scenes playlists. She will even write to a metronome if she needs to give a scene just the right cadence. D. loves things that begin with the letter C-coffee, cats, cities, conversation, concerts-and things that don't-airports, humans, macrophotography, urban decay, macro-photography of urban decay, and the beauty of flaw. She encourages everyone to join her across social media and on Patreon. Strike up a conversation. What are you waiting for? www.patreon.com/writerdgabrielle www.instagram.com/writerdgabrielle www.facebook.com/writerdgabrielle www.twitter.com/writerdgabriele Read More Read Less

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