D Evans Radford

D Evans RadfordA strong desire to serve others is a major propellant in the life of D. Evans Radford. Having seen the first-hand effects of a lack of education, drug abuse, Aids, cancer, etc., Darryl is very familiar with different types of terminal illnesses. Thouh some are self-induced while others seem to just manifest themselves out of nowhere, there is one constant that remains: Darryl recognizes it as God's ability to heal when doctors can see no hope!Though educated and still grasping for more education, Darryl considers this as merely self-edification and nothing noteworthy, as we should all have a quest to be better today than we were yesterday.President of the Executive Board of Directors for Teenworks, sitting on the Executive Board of Directors for his chapter of the YMCA, and Vice President of the New Bern chapter of the NAACP are just a few of the many contributions Darryl has made to his community. Being the recipient of Dayton's "Black Achievers Award" and numerous other accolades, though greatly appreciated, has not nearly the same type of gratification as received by his weekly visitations to various nursing homes.For over 10 years, residents in the nursing homes and hospitals express great joy at the presence of their ever faithful Darryl. Though in great demand, Darryl makes prayerful decisions regarding with whom to share his time, talents, energy, and resources as his desire is not just to be a name on a roll, but an actual contributory spoke in this wheel of life.These things, in addition to his certificate from Iams University for effective management for non-profit organizations, are but a fraction of what makes Darryl effective and passionate about his service. The example of service in the Bible from Jesus is his focus and a large part of what makes him so dynamic.Some people call him Doctor, or Pastor, or Reverend, or Teacher! He strongly prefers Darryl! Read More Read Less

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