Cynthia A Ingols

Cynthia A IngolsCynthia Ingols is a Professor of Practice, School of Business, Simmons University, Boston MA. At the School of Business, she directs the internship program for undergraduate students and teaches courses in organizational change, career managemnt, and leadership. Cynthia works extensively in the Business School's executive education programs where she leads Strategic Leadership for Women, a program with a global reach that strengthens the leadership skills and self-confidence of its international participants. In addition, she coaches women executives who seek interpretation of feedback from bosses, colleagues, and subordinates and then helps executives determine the actions that they might take to strengthen their leader-ship presence and effectiveness. Cynthia received her doctorate from the Harvard Graduate School of Education in Organization Behavior and a master's degree in Political Science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She taught Management Communication at the Harvard Business School (HBS), managed the 65-person Case Writing and Research staff at HBS, and taught qualitative methods courses at several Boston-area universities. She serves as an editorial member of the Case Research Journal. She has served on corporate boards for several organizations, including FOX RPM and Biosymposia. Cynthia focuses her consulting work in three areas: conducting diagnostic work to promote change in organizations; developing and teaching interactive executive education programs, particularly using cases and simulations; and coaching executives to enhance their leadership capacity and careers. Cynthia's re-search and publications follow similar lines. Her research on executive education programs has been pub-lished in leading journals, such as Harvard Business Review, Organizational Dynamics, and Training. Her research work on creating innovative organizational structures and change was published in the Design Management Journal. She has published numerous articles about careers in journals such as the Journal of Career Development and Human Resource Development Quarterly. She coauthored two books on career management: Take Charge of Your Career (2005) and A Smart, Easy Guide to Interviewing (2003). Cynthia joined the Tupper-Gene team to publish the second and third editions of Organizational Change: An Action-Oriented Toolkit (2012 & 2016).
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Organizational Change - International Student Edition4 % NR
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Organizational Change: An Action-Oriented Toolkit33 %
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13 May 2015
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Organizational ChangeNR
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17 Sep 2019
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Organizational Change: An Action-Oriented ToolkitNR
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18 Mar 2011
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