Curtis Orloff

Curtis OrloffCurtis Orloff is an oilfield geologist whose background was devoid of snobbery. The vicissitudes of the oil industry saw him alternately wearing a suit in a downtown office, coveralls in deserts and jungles, and the uniform of a utility company emploee, reading meters. In one downturn, he taught special needs children. In another, he peeled shrimp and delivered po'boys in New Orleans. It was then he saw the drama and comedy on display in a popular sandwich shop. He worked with colorful people from all walks of life while getting to know the business and the problems the owner had to deal with. Ultimately, he returned to the oil industry and did so well he bought into the business. That it went bankrupt did not diminish the glowing memories of all he saw and experienced, as well as of the people he met. The fact all involved were Orleanians ensured they landed on their feet, including the author, who made the city his adopted home. Read More Read Less

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Publisher: Quippy Quill LLC
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13 Nov 2023
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Streetcar Sandwiches68 % NR
Publisher: Rockhouse Press
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01 Feb 2004
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