Curtis BeckerCurtis Becker, a distinguished teacher embarking upon his twelfth year in the classroom, has inspired students at the middle school, high school, and college levels. Becker holds professional, highly-qualified credentials in both Kansas and Colorado.When not working with his students, he focuses on his own writing. Most recently, one of Becker's pieces appeared in the anthology, Bards Against Hunger: 5th Anniversary Edition. This book, He Watched and Took Note is his first. Becker is also the owner of Curtis Becker Books and its imprint, Kellogg Press. He offers writing, editing, design, and publishing services. Becker calls the beautiful Black and Gold District in the heart of Emporia, Kansas, home. Here, he participates in and supports the thriving downtown community. Becker was born and raised in Goodland, Kansas, and lived for over a decade in the Yuma, Colorado, area. He earned a bachelor's degree in English from Emporia State University and a master's degree in fiction writing from Southern New Hampshire University. As an undergraduate, Becker helped to create ESU's literary magazine, Flint Hills Review, and served on the editorial board for the inaugural edition. Read More Read Less