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Craige Golding

Craige GoldingDr Craige Golding, MD, ABAARM, FAARFM, FICT, FCP (SA), MS USF, Member: NUGO, AAAM is a Specialist Physician, Anti Aging Physician in South Africa where he practices integrative medicine combining natural medicines, nutraceuticals, bio-identical hormoes, intravenous treatments, allopathics, and many other medical biotechnologies. He qualified as a medical doctor 1993 Cum Laude and is a fellow of the South African College of Physicians. His interest in integrative medicine began when he realized that simply managing disease and not making people well was not enough. Dr. Golding has board certification from the American Board of Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine. He has completed his advanced fellowship in anti-aging, functional, and regenerative medicine with the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. Dr Golding has completed a certification in chelation therapies with ACAM (American College for Advancements in Medicine). He has a masters qualification in medical sciences with a concentration on metabolic and nutritional medicine from the University of South Florida. He has also completed a 6 module fellowship program in integrative cancer treatments in the USA in August 2010. Prior to completing his fellowship as a specialist physician, he was awarded the Akromed prize for the best student in Psychiatry, the Horrace Wells medal for the best student in Anaesthetics, and the Maybaker prize for the best progress in Pharmacology as an undergraduate student. Read More Read Less

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Dr Craige Golding on Hormone Basics17 % NR
Publisher: Lulu Press
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02 Sep 2021
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