Craig J Donlon

Craig J DonlonDr. Donlon received a B.Sc. First class (Hon) in 1989 from the University of Lancaster, UK and a Ph.D. in Oceanography from the University of Southampton, UK in 1994. He worked at the University of Colorado, USA as an Assistant Research Professor, atthe European Commission Joint Research Centre Italy for 5 years in the Institute for Environment and Sustainability and at the Met Office UK for 5 years in the Operational Oceanography division. He was Director of the Group for High Resolution SST (GHRSST) 2000-2011. Since September 2008, Dr. Donlon has worked at the European Space Agency as the Principal Scientist for Oceans and Ice in the Mission Science Division of Earth Observation Programmes Directorate. He is the Mission Scientist for the Copernicus Sentinel-3 Satellite. Dr Donlon has published his research in over 70 journal articles in the scientific literature. His main interests include remote sensing of oceans, development and preparation of new satellite concepts and missions for oceanography, oceanographic application of satellite data, development of satellite climate data records of sea surface temperature, design of reference thermal infrared black body reference radiance sources, design, construction, software development, calibration and deployment of sea-going infrared radiometer systems for the validation of satellite SST data sets. Read More Read Less

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Optical Radiometry for Ocean Climate Measurements23 % NR
Publisher: Academic Press
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17 Nov 2014
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