Craig E Dauchy

Craig E DauchyCraig E. Dauchy is a partner at Cooley LLP�s Palo Alto office, located in the heart of Silicon Valley, and head of the Venture Capital practice group firm-wide. Cooley has 900 lawyers globally across 12 offices located in Palo Alto, San Francico, Los Angeles, and San Diego, California; New York City, New York; Reston, Virginia; Washington D.C., Broomfield, Colorado; Boston, Massachusetts; Seattle, Washington; and internationally in Shanghai and London. Cooley LLP is one of the nation�s leading law firms providing counsel to entrepreneurs and venture capitalists. Since 2005, Cooley has been the most active law firm representing VC-backed companies going public and has ranked as the number one law firm for technology and life sciences IPOs consecutively for the past three years. Cooley has represented one-third of the market share of VC-backed IPOs across all industries and has been involved in 375 public offerings, including some of the nation�s most notable securities transactions, in recent years. Cooley represents more than 325 fund manager organizations, including many of the nation�s leading institutional investors, and has been recognized as the Venture Capital Department of the Year twice by The Recorder in recent years. Mr. Dauchy has represented entrepreneurs, emerging companies, and venture capitalists in diverse industries, including medical devices, software, health care, electronics, and consumer products, for more than 30 years. In recent years, he has been recognized three times as a �Top 100 Lawyer� in California by The Daily Journal. He is a frequent lecturer on matters relating to securities law and public offerings, mergers and acquisitions, and venture capital. He also serves on a number of advisory boards and boards of directors. Mr. Dauchy holds a J.D. and an M.B.A. from Stanford University and graduated magna cum laude with a B.A. in history from Yale University. He is a member of the State Bar of California. Read More Read Less

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Entrepreneur's Guide to Law and Strategy44 % NR
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The Entrepreneur's Guide to Business Law
Publisher: South-western
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22 Jul 2002
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Entrepreneur's Guide to Business Law, International Edition22 %
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24 Jan 2011
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Bundle: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Law and Strategy, 5th + Mindtap Business Law, 1 Term (6 Months) Printed Access CardNR
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Bundle: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Business Law, Loose-Leaf Version, 5th + Mindtap Business Law, 1 Term (6 Months) Printed Access CardNR
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Mindtap Business Law, 1 Term (6 Months) Printed Access Card for Bagley/Dauchy's the Entrepreneur's Guide to Law and StrategyNR
Publisher: Cengage Learning
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23 Aug 2017
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