Cordelia Feldman

Cordelia FeldmanCordelia Feldman showed an early talent for writing, writing her first (unpublished) novel at age 14. She completed the first draft of IN BLOOM for a writing competition and expanded and polished it while studying for an MA in Creative Writing. A stright-A student throughout her schooldays, Cordelia went on to study Modern History at Oxford University. During her undergraduate days she began experiencing extreme mood swings of severe depression alternating with spells of mania, that were eventually diagnosed as bipolar disorder. Cordelia wants to make people aware of early signs of the disorder. 'If a teenager exhibiting Tanya's symptoms reads my book and thinks that's me, that's my problem, or a parent or friend recognises the behaviour of someone they love in Tanya's situation, this book will have served a useful purpose.' In her early 30s, Cordelia suffered an additional cruel blow, when she was diagnosed with breast cancer, which has since spread to other organs. Now aged 41, Cordelia has done a great deal to raise public awareness of both bipolar disease and early-onset cancer and is an experienced media interviewee. In 2006 Cordelia played a prominent role in Stephen Fry's BAFTA nominated and EMMY award-winning documentary The Secret Life of the Manic Depressive, and in the follow-up Part 2 in 2012. She has spoken about her experience of breast cancer on BBC News, BBC Radio Four's Woman's Hour, and her experience of bipolar on Sky. She was one of five 'real women' who starred in Estee Lauder's Pink Campaign film to raise awareness of breast cancer in 2014. Cordelia has also broadcast on BBC Three Counties Radio and recorded her own audio book version of IN BLOOM. Read More Read Less

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