Colin W Wrigley

Colin W WrigleyColin Wrigley's 54 years in grain-science research have earned him international recognition, in the form of several international and Australian research awards. His work is described in about 600 research publications, including several patents, a eries of eight books on Australian cereal varieties and many edited books. He was Editor-in-Chief of the first edition of the Encyclopedia of Grain Science (2004).His research interests have centred on the characterisation of cereal-grain proteins in relation to processing quality. This has involved developing new methods of protein fractionation, including gel isoelectric focusing and its two-dimensional combination with gel electrophoresis, leading into proteomic mapping. Other diagnostic methods developed relate to the evaluation of grain quality in wheat and barley, such as better methods for variety identification and for characterizing quality in starch and sprouted grain (as co-patentee of the Rapid ViscoAnalyser). Research involvement has also included elucidation of grain-quality variation due to environmental factors (heat stress, fertiliser use, CO2 levels and storage conditions). In 2009, Dr Wrigley was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) "for service to primary industry, particularly to grain science as a researcher, and to the development of methods for improving wheat quality."He is currently an Honorary Professor at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. Read More Read Less

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Encyclopedia of Food Grains
Publisher: Academic Press
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04 Feb 2016
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