Clément Barniaudy

Clément BarniaudyClément Barniaudy is Associate Professor of Geography at University of Montpellier, France, and a member of the research center LIRDEF (Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de recherche en Didactique, Education et Formation). His teaching and research inteests lie in eco-cultural studies, environmental humanities and geographical education. He is responsible for the teacher training in the field of history and geography at the Faculty of Education in Montpellier. He is co-founder of the international center "Theory and practice of caring" at Montpellier (https: //

His PhD ("To live with the wind in the North Western Mediterranean area") led him to explore how our practices can be embodied in a living and inhabited environment. More recently, he continues this work by focusing on the theories and practices of care in relation with land use planning and with transformative education.
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