Clyde D Batavia

Clyde D BataviaClyde D. Batavia was born in Oakland California in 1946. It was a time when educators did not recognize leaning disabilities or how to deal with them. Yet without any professional help, the author learned to compensate and succeed at almost everythin he has attempted in his life, both in sports and the business world. Batavia has been in the business of buying and selling new and used machinery since 1972. He has extensive experience as an expert witness and has been successful in the courts and depositions. Until retiring, Clyde was a member in good standing of the Association of Machinery and Equipment Appraisers (AMEA) and is a Level H Certified Equipment Appraiser. He was a candidate-member of the American Society of Appraisers (ASA) and held membership in the North American Association of Equipment Appraisers, Certified Senior Appraiser level. Clyde co-authored a paper on machinery depreciation for the Federal Reserve called Evidence on the Retirement and Depreciation of Machine Tools. He has consulted for the U.S. Treasury Department concerning taxation on aging capital assets. Clyde has been involved in discussions regarding Product Liability Reform with former President Bush at the White House. In 1991, Clyde was elected for two terms as President of the Machinery Dealers National Association (MDNA) in Washington D.C. He was the first and, still remains to this date, the only machinery dealer to hold this position since the beginning of MDNA in 1942. Clyde was also active in the European Association of Machine Tool Merchants (EAMTM ). Batavia has been a guest speaker all over the country on Products Liability legislation. He presently sits on the board of Tahoe Institute of Rural Health Research at Tahoe Forest Hospital. Read More Read Less

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