Clay Nuttall

Clay NuttallClay Nuttall has served in the ministry for over fifty-seven years. Thirty-seven of those years were in the pastorate and in education at various levels for the majority of ministry. He and his wife, Ruth served as missionaries, for seventeen years, ith Baptist Equipping Nationals in the formal training of nationals in the Middle East. They have five children and Ruth resides in North Carolina. Dr. Nuttall went home to be with the Lord shortly after finishing this book. Dr. Nuttall earned his B.R.E. from Piedmont Bible College, his M.R.E. degree from Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary and his D.Min. from Luther Rice Seminary. He has served as professor of Theology, Apologetics and Hermeneutics, Undergraduate Dean, Graduate Dean, Vice President of Academics and President of the National Theological College and Graduate School. He is the author of numerous articles, a monthly journal "The Shepherds Staff", the book The Coming Conflict, The Separation of Church and State, and The Weeping Church, confronting the crisis of church polity. Read More Read Less

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