Clay Bartley N D

Clay Bartley N DMy journey into the subject of health and wellness has been lifelong. I wanted to understand how to stay healthy. I read books like Linus Pauling's Vitamin C and the Common Cold, and Anatomy of an Illness by Norman Cousins. In 2008, I attended a workhop called Know Your Purpose, led by a man named Tim Kelley. I learned that my purpose in life-the thing that is innate in me that would bring me the most joy-is to write about healing. Feeling that I wasn't qualified to write on the subject, I started reading books on healing, which led me to read 90+ books on health, wellness, nutrition, anatomy, virology, pathology, and spiritual healing. And this led me to study with the Trinity School of Natural Health where I received a doctorate in Naturopathy in 2020. I am also a Certified Nutritionist. Read More Read Less

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