Claudia Saleeby Savage

Claudia Saleeby SavageClaudia Saleeby Savage's writing explores diaspora and dichotomy and has been featured in print, on stage, and in galleries throughout the country. She's a poet, essayist, and author of Bruising Continents, The Last One Eaten, and the collaboration Te Hour of Anjali. Her work lives on the page, but more often with her performance duo Thick In The Throat Honey (2019 semi-finalists for a Creative Capital award on the Syrian refugee crisis). She's received support from PJCE, RACC, The Black Earth Institute, Jentel, Ucross, the Global Education Center, and the Atlantic Center for the Arts. Her poetics are influenced by rabid reading, dancing, Alice Coltrane, and long walks in drippy forests. She works in the field of renewable energy and lives with her husband and daughter in Portland. She can be found on,, and IG @thickinthethroathoney. Though, she'd rather you ask her to coffee. Read More Read Less

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Publisher: Poetry Box
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15 Aug 2023
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