Claudette M Guevara

Claudette M GuevaraI was born in the island of Trinidad and Tobago, west indies. I grew up with humble beginnings. From my early childhood my siblings and I had to go to church. I went to all Catholic schools, and while I thank God for a religious upbringing and good vlues, I needed to be born again. At age 27 I was invited to an Open Bible church where I experienced what it means to be born again. I repented of my sins and gave my heart and life to Jesus Christ. From then to now, I do my best to follow the path that God has laid out for me. God has been good to me and my family. I have seen his miraculous power in my life and the lives of many family members. I know God to be my healer, deliverer, provider, protector, friend and all that I need. He has never failed me yet. He is my all sufficient, all knowing and wise God. I am a registered nurse and an ordained minister of the Assemblies of God, USA. My desire and passion are to see others come to a saving knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I believe that the Bible is God's written word and is Spirit and Life. I have seen God's miraculous power as I pray his word over people. I have seen cancer healed, blind eyes open, demonic spirits manifest and leave, lives radically changed, and marriages healed to name a few. I will like my readers to know the God of the Bible. God is good and wants to do you good, not punish you and send you to hell but to save you and give you a better life. Put your trust in Him. Read More Read Less

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