Claude Pitout

Claude PitoutClaude Pitout lives in South Africa; a country which Claude likes to see as the apple of God's eye, or at least it's the apple of Claude's eye. It's a country that Claude likes to see as the rising sun on the horizon and developing, rising and awakenng into its God felt beauty. Claude likes to see it as this rising country because just recently it has become known to the world, coming out of an apartheid era into an era of equal race. It is rising to show the rest of the world it's love and beauty, believed by Claude to be the heart of the world lying on the equator of the earth's axis bringing it the warmth that the African sun has to offer believed by Claude in his child like mind and heart to be the heart and love of the world. Claude was born on July 31st, 1984 and brought up in this rising country in with its multi diversity of cultures and still resides and lives there in this country and says he would not trade the land and African sun of his home for any fine island or exotic land as he believes charity begins at home. In this country, housing and schooling is one of the main concerns on the government's agenda with a vast many African people still living in what are known as shacks that are made out of tin and any salvaged material from the nearby villages. The people from these rural areas and townships have to walk in most areas and in most instances over an hour along a dirt road in order to get to school or work in the nearby cities. The government and the nation have on its agenda to create more schools closer to the neighboring villages so that the youth can get an education and can start to build themselves a brighter future. One of Claude's desires is to someday be in a position to help the nation in building schools and houses for this African nation so that he may be a light and part of the working progress towards the development to this countries ever rising and talented youth. So that one day he may lay a brick down on the structure of a school or home so that on that day he may say he played a part in helping another and that, in fact, he did live out his philosophy and indeed he did "start at home". Claude believes, with God working through him, that one day his workings will be the workings of that of God himself. Read More Read Less

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