Claire GuéronClaire Guéron is Senior Lecturer at the University of Burgundy (Université de Bourgogne) in Dijon, France. Her research areas are early modern stage semiotics, the ethics of spectatorship and Shakespearean detective novels. Her recent publications inlude 'Figure and Figura in Henry V', in François Laroque (ed), William Shakespeare King Henry V, Paris: Ellipses, 2020, pp.65-80, 'Le double jeu de Nick Revill, détective Shakespearien', Textes et Contextes, vol. 14, no. 1, [online], June 16th, 2019. '"Never Shake thy Gory Locks at me" Objecting to Gesture in Macbeth', Interfaces: Texte, Image, Langage, vol.40, 2018. And 'Authorizing Laughter in The Duchess of Malfi', in Pascale Drouet and William C. Carroll (eds), Paris: Belin Education, 2018, pp. 204-19. Read More Read Less