Claire Gadsby

Claire GadsbyClaire Gadsby describes herself as an innovator, educator and motivator. A teaching and learning consultant and trainer with over 15 years' classroom experience, she collaborates with numerous schools every year to raise their levels of achievement. uch of her work involves working alongside teachers in classrooms, and her areas of expertise include Assessment for Learning (AfL), whole-school literacy and demonstrating pupil progress. Jan Evans is an education consultant with over 30 years' experience of working in education. She was the lead Assessment for Learning (AfL) consultant in Oxfordshire and has co-authored materials for the Secondary National Strategy. Her other specialist areas of expertise include promoting autonomous learning and developing interactive pedagogy and personal learning and thinking skills.Jan regularly works with school leadership teams to develop strategic approaches to school improvement and leads a range of whole-school training programmes. She also coaches and mentors teachers at all stages of their careers.She is committed to helping teachers reclaim their creativity and prides herself on being able to motivate them through her sense of humour, practical approach and enthusiasm for innovative teaching and learning strategies. Read More Read Less

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