Claire Dorey

Claire DoreyClaire Dorey, Editor: Wounded Feminine: Grieving with Goddess, the Girl God Books. She is a regular contributor at Girl God Books, Return to Mago E-Magazine, and has been published in She Summons: Why Goddess Feminism, Activism and Spirituality, 2021 and Celebrating Intercosmic Kinship of the Goddess, 2023, both Mago Books. She illustrates her written work.Her initiation upon the Goddess path occurred via ceremonial blessings by Priestesses in India. She is currently researching and intuitively interpreting meaning in ancient symbols from a feminist and cosmic perspective, using observation skills from her artistic training and by accessing creative wisdom from studying various healing practices, to try to see what ancient artists saw and feel how they felt.Goldsmiths: BA Honors, Fine Art. Main Employment: Journalist and Creative, UK and overseas. Artist: Most notable group show, Pillow Talk at the Tate Modern. Included in the Pillow Talk Book. Curator: 3 x grass roots SLWA exhibitions and educational events focusing on Female Empowerment: Violence, Healing and Self. Current Artistic practice derives from the meditative, which she calls sending postcards from the dark subconscious. She runs two 'closed' FB groups, Esoteric Hissstories and Sirens at Source. Teaching Work-shops: Sculpture and Drawing. Extra study: Suppressed Female His-tory and Goddess studies; Accessing Creative Wisdom; Sound and Breath Work; Reiki Master; Colour Therapy; Hand Mudras; Reflex-ology type massage; Sculpture. Read More Read Less

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Improve International Manual of Surgical Nursing10 %
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Wounded Feminine31 % NR
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