Cindy Tingley

Cindy TingleyAuthor Cindy Tingley was born in a little village in New Brunswick called Point de Bute near the Nova Scotia border where she lived for 16 years. She moved around New Brunswick during her high school years finally settling in Fredericton. After high chool Tingley met and settled down with her partner and for many years they ran a farm, produced lumber, and raised their own beef while working on rural community development projects. She remembers being interested and excited about writing as early as eight years old but life was busy and writing only became a priority in more recent years. She began writing the Lily series of children's bible stories almost fifteen years ago and feels now is the time to re-ignite the message of bringing peace to a fractured world. Lily's Secret, launched in 2017, is the first in the series; Lily's Desert Adventure, the second, launched in 2019; and the third, Lily's Egypt Adventure, launches in 2022. Tingley has lived in Halifax since November 2013. Along with writing every day, she likes to drum, sing (she was with the You Gotta Sing Chorus in Halifax for 4 years), walk and hang out with good people who raise her up. Read More Read Less

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Lily's Egypt Adventure2 % NR
Publisher: OC Publishing
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01 Nov 2022
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