Cindy Medlock

Cindy MedlockCindy Medlock spent eight long years married to a man she thought would be an interesting, dependable partner. Her dreams were destroyed when he became selfish and unreliable. Although she wasn't sure she and her two children would survive, due to a ack of social and financial resources, she was led to the Lithia Christian Center in Georgia. While there, she encountered an incredible miracle which validated her undying faith in God!

Life wasn't easy for this single mom, but she was able to meet the challenges put before her because she realized Christ expected her to keep striving, even when she felt intimidated and overwhelmed.

The Lord has blessed her with a thriving hair salon in a small town in Tennessee, where she offers her services at affordable prices.

Before that, she had the opportunity to train women in her own licensed cosmetology school. She wanted to make it possible for people with limited income to learn a trade, empowering them to provide for their families.

Her ex-husband was diagnosed with depression for which he now takes medications. He also since has helped greatly with their disabled son when she desperately needed assistance. God has since blessed her with an amazing Christian husband who makes her laugh and enjoy life every day. They attend a spirit-filled, loving church.

Cindy hopes to become a role model, inspiring people to do their best every day, the way the true Christians at the Lithia Christian Center inspired her.

Cindy has recorded two Christian music CDs, and enjoys singing and speaking in churches of all denominations.

If you would like to invite her to inspire your congregation with her encouraging message and songs, you may contact her through email at or by mail at

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