Cindy Kolbe

Cindy KolbeCINDY KOLBE has been a lifelong disability advocate-even before her daughter's spinal cord injury. She directed a nonprofit, managed group homes, and taught literacy at a state institution. She volunteers for disability and mentalhealth nonprofits an is a peer mentor and advocate for the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation.Just Keep Swimming: a crash, a quest, and waves of hope is the second edition of Cindy's memoir. Before the ten-year anniversary of her daughter's injury, she couldn't imagine writing about it. After the anniversary, she couldn't imagine not writing her story and focused on this passion project for eight years. She borrowed some persistence from Beth and sent out more than 50 query letters before the first edition was published in 2019.Cindy and her husband John have lived in five states and nine cities. They recently moved back to the Boston area to welcome their first grandchild. She speaks at events, including the Abilities Expos across the country. She also published more than 50 articles in three years in 20 different media.Cindy's website ( includes her popular newsletter, "Just Keep Swimming!" as well as a Disability Resource Guide and a Book Club Discussion Guide. She is often available to visit book clubs virtually and may be contacted at: Connect with her on Instagram (@cindybkolbe) and Facebook (@justkeepswimmingbook). Read More Read Less

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Just Keep Swimming19 % NR
Publisher: Armin Lear Press
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15 Dec 2022
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Struggling With SerendipityNR
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09 Apr 2019
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